Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shoes and Winter Blues

So I'm in Seattle. Let me start out by saying that I love Seattle (in fact the Pacific Northwest is one of my favorite places to visit.) But like any relationship, this love is complicated. As much as I love Seattle, i can only take so much rain before I have had enough. And considering I had to deal with snow in St. Louis yesterday, I have had enough. So I had this elaborate plan for the day. I was going to go to the market and have a great lunch, OUTSIDE. My next stop was going to be REI Seattle, which I have been meaning to go to for some time (I hear it's impressive) and then the Nordstrom flagship store to browse spring fashions and of course the makeup counters. Mainly I just wanted to walk around the city admiring the gorgeous views. My plans came to a screeching halt as the plane landed and it started to rain.

So I'm sitting here at the hotel looking out the huge window and it's pouring. Not your typical kind of raining like it always does in Seattle rain, but pouring cats and dogs sideways, you can't see the end of the world rain. I'm watching my spring break beauty essentials video before I try to upload it to YouTube and I'm a little depressed. Not because of the video, but because in the video I am on the beach in Fort Lauderdale, where it's spring break, sunny, and at least 80 degrees. And instead I'm stuck here in Seattle. When you think of spring break Seattle is not the first thing that comes to mind. So I sulk. And I do what I always do when I'm feeling this low, I go to the mall.

I put on my new, super cute, bright yellow flats in hopes of getting in the Spring spirit again and like a slap in the face a pain shoots through my feet. Ouch, these shoes hurt, (like new shoes always hurt before you break them in, at least I hope that's what it is because I love these shoes.) I walk out the door with my umbrella in tow, dreading the rain but hoping a little retail shopping will cure my winter blues.
I walk into REI (not the flagship store but It'll do) (flashback: a few days ago I noticed that my Vibram FiveFingers, aka my favorite pair for everything shoes started getting holes on a few of the toes. I called REI to ask if this was normal after a few months of use, if they had any other complaints, and if there was another pair they recommended. The man I spoke with told me to bring the shoes into the store and they would exchange them for another pair. Awesome.) and I head straight for the customer service counter. I explain my situation, the man looks at my shoes, and with a smile on his face tells me to go check out the new styles, and he will exchange them, no questions asked. (I know the man on the phone already told me this but are you serious, just like that, that's insane, I love REI.) So I head to the shoe department and there they are. They are so beautiful. The Vibram FiveFingers Bikila ,a perfect green and gray color match, made for running, made for me, (and perfect for my Spring mood, ha ha). I try them on, and then insist on trying on several more styles, just in case, while all the while never taking the Bikila off my right foot. All of them fit well, and look good but the Bikila hugs my foot with such loyalty. My mind is made up. And just as I'm ready to leave with new shoes in hand I see snow boots out of the corner of my eye. And for just a moment I descend back into my winter blues.
And then they come into focus. The Sorel Joan of Arctic snow boots I have been looking for frantically since winter started. (Online, in every Nordstrom and Nordstrom Rack known to man, and in all the REI's) Nor size, nor color were to be found anywhere. And here they were. And here I just saved $100 on my Vibram FiveFingers because of REI and their awesome return policy and their even cooler employees. So I have to have these too. What are the chances they will be my size, and then I see the clearance tag. 1/3 of the regular price. (It doesn't matter what size they are, at this price as long as they are bigger I will wear 5 pairs of wool socks just to rock these boots.) But sure enough, right size, right color. And just like that I'm back to loving Seattle. Without Seattle I wouldn't have Vibram FiveFingers, or my Sorel snow boots. There's nothing that a new pair of shoes can't fix. Oh and did I mention REI and how much I love them? Just making sure.

Things I'm lusting over:

Origins Vitazing SPF 15 Energy Boosting Moisturizer - I love this stuff. Which is surprising because I haven't had the best of luck with Origins products lately. I just have a sample since I didn't want to get burned again. This is a moisturizer that turns into a tinted moisturizer, that's right turns. It comes out of the tube white, and when blended it turns color to match your skin, and gives you that healthy glow. It blends beautifully, and because it's not tinted initially, doesn't leave streaks. It also does not leave a film or residue on your face like some tinted moisturizers. The consistency is neither too heavy nor too light for my combination/oily skin. I have been on a search for a good tinted moisturizer for the warmer months and this may be it.

Lorac Time to Shine Palette plus 3D Multiplex Deluxe Mascara - This seems like the perfect palette for spring time. It's so inspiring with all it's colors. I think this would be perfect for a color virgin like me (I have very few color eye shadows as i lean more toward neutrals). I don't currently own any Lorac products but have heard many great things about them so I feel that for the price $28 this palette and mascara are a no brainer. Even if you just want to try some colors and it doesn't work out you're left with at least four neutral shades in the palette plus the mascara, still worth it. I haven't seen that many palettes out lately that have this great of a mix colors in good quality.

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